Thursday, August 23, 2012


Today was good. I ate and did my workout like I was suppose to. I also had a ton of stuff to do at work today. Everything got done and I was able to keep up my diet while I was at it… My big accomplishment for the day was drinking my first meta-D… this is a metabolism drink that you make yourself.

6 oz water
2 oz apple juice (non sweetened)
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
a small dash  cayenne pepper

Honestly when I was mixing it I was gaging because I could not imagine how that combo of everything could ever taste good. Just the thought of it was grossing me out. What I got was a big fat whopping surprise. I raised the glass hands shaking and lip trembling with horrible images running through my head of me puking it up after my first drink. Closer and closer I inched the cup to my lips, then a pause I put the cup down and had a
 A couple of months ago I wanted to try the will remain nameless weight loss system that some friends asked me to buy…I said okay and bought into this huge package of drinks and protein shakes and pills. All this stuff you had to take at certain times of day needless to say it was complicated. Well the first step in this system was a cleanse. Part of this cleanse was a crazy fiber drink. So day one I am suppose to be taking this drink. Mistake number one: I mixed it up. Mistake number two: I mixed it at work. Mistake number three: I'm and extremely busy person at work..common I'm running a very busy very successful clinic after all. So I mix this thing up I of course get called away from my desk to deal with whatever fire is afoot. I come back in about 15 min to find that the contents in my glass are well congealed with a consistency thicker then jello. It reminded me the the ballistics gel you see myth busters mix together on the show. I turned my glass upside down  and the stuff didn't budge. I also literally bounced my spoon off the top of the "liquid" yuck yuck yuck!  Well all of my employees at the clinic are cheering me on telling me stuff like, "common lindsey you have to take it you paid a ton of money for it", "maybe you could eat it like jello", and " we can mix water with it and it will be just like normal". So like a good little indian I try to follow my routine and add water into it …It was now chunky liquid….so I go get a giant straw and it I brave up to choke this stuff down with all my staff cheering me on like and olympic athlete trying to win a medal. The only prize I got was a stomach ache and a huge fear of drinking anything suspicious. I did it though…
FLASH FOWARD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Then I thought no I have to do this, I want what this can give me no matter how bad it taste. Right before I take a swig of my drink I'm thinking of the previous event the the horribleness that followed after taking that horrible drink. It made me think of all the junk that it had to contain to do something so vile in a cup… and I thought wait a minute there is no ingredient in this drink I don't know what it is. No way no how could this possibly be worse then that experience. I bring it up to my lips I take a swig and to my surprise **it was actually really good. It was seriously the BEST METABOLISM DRINK that I have ever taken and the best part is that every single ingredient was natural and I could pronounce the name**…I don't know if I should but I could seriously take my metaD two times a day. IT WAS GREAT!!!! I'm just so impressed with this program and so excited everything I'm putting in is good for me.  I know exactly what it is without having any fear of globs of junk or weird chemicals going into my body. I AM IN LOVE WITH TONE IT UP DIET PLAN!!!! Thanks to the K girls for making this the single best diet experience of my life.

so here it is the food rundown for the day.

Meal1: egg whites, tomato, Ezekiel bread with butter buds on it.
Meal 2: banana and Meta D
Meal 3: grape fruit
Meal 4: carrots and peanut butter
Meal 5: chicken with broccoli and a little bit of cheese

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