Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Howdy ya'll....well offically my show season has begun...with my new diet and exercies regime...and I do mean a regime...for a moment I would like to pause and think about what the beginging is all about. To me a begining is first of all very excited, mysterious, and a little scary because you never are sure exactly what to expect. My new rule on this is to have no expectations and take everything one day at a time because truely that is all that you have control over...My other new rule about begingins is to set realistic goals not crazy ones...now it's great to have this idea that I'm going to go to the gym every single day and I'm going to eat perfectly every single moment of that day and then in like a year i'm going to loose a million lbs....reality check that is just unrealic not because it's not a good goal to have just because you really have no idea what is goin to happen one year from now or even one day from now. So my friends baby steps. Wake up and say my goal for the day is to ________________then when you've completeted that goal make a new one. I fell that so many things in life get out of control so quickly you have to treat things like being fit on a minute to minute basis you treat everything else that way so why not this...When I use to deal with everything in my life that was so out of control, my finances, my job or lack there of, my marriage, other people...I mean when everything just hit the fan and still hits the fan I feel the one thing I learned I could deal with and control was me and what I did.... I found the easiest thing for me to control was what I put in my body. I would like to just say to all those out there it's a good place to start... What you put in your body is the one thing you can control on a minute per minute, second per second basis. You can choose to eat or not to eat. to do or not to do. to be or not to be peeps that what it is. So start small then work to big and DO WHAT YOU CAN WHEN YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU HAVE!!!!!

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