Today was a pretty tough day… I had a lot of stressful events happen at work that really tested me sticking to the diet. So as far as my day went I did an okay job. I had a great workout in the morning and did twice what I normally do. I worked out for and hour and 15 min I was able to get up extra early, that allowed me to go to the grocery store to get what I needed on my grocery list. It was great to be able to really get a jump start and stock my fridge with good food. Honestly I didn't have to throw anything out because my husband and I for quite some time had been committing the sin of fitness sins eating out almost every meal, so there was nothing to clean out. Now to the not so great part of my day. Our server at work went out and it looks like it was going to be a $6000 fix… yep kinda crazy…no to mention the hours and hours worth of patients that we were going to have to call and reschedule for that day. It was a little wild. At work the previous day we had our patient orientation class and every patient orientation class we have cookies. It just seemed yesterday that I could not get full enough. I was eating like I should but was still hungry. My stress levels were through the roof and in the past I always comforted myself with food. Bad I know, which is what got me to where I am now. I would go into the break room and It was like all I could smell was the intoxicating fumes of baked sugar and peanut butter. I have to say it took everything I had to not sink my teeth into one of those soft delicious peanut butter cookies. As the stress levels went up the want to eat a cookie just kept increasing. I was able to stave off my want for a cookie, but I failed at lunch I ended up eating tomato soup and super cheese sandwich. That lead to a chain reaction of not eating my meal four or five. I ended up not eating anything for the rest of the day which is not good. I got so busy during the second half of my day I forgot my snack. When I got home I didn't feel like eating because i was so exhausted, so I just went straight to bed. I guess this was a reality check for me and a good opportunity to let you know that no way no how is it all going to be perfect all the time. You just have to chalk this day up for a loss and go to the next day. Do better tomorrow thats all anyone can ask for.
Meal 1: egg whites and tomatoes
Meal 2: banana and grapefruit
Meal 3: tomato soup and 1/2 a grilled cheese.
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