Saturday: This weekend was full of adventures. We decided to go to the lake with a few of our closest friends. I was not really sure how I was going to make my TIU diet work over a weekend full of lake food, and frothy adult beverages. I was pretty determined to make it work out so I took a peek into my trusty TIU plan arsenal and found a couple of great recipes to help me out. Also, lucky for me in my camper I have an oven which really came in handy. My husband wanted to have his big fish fry, frying up all the northern pike and walleye that he caught this year in Canada. You could see the fear in my eyes when he told me fish fry. I thought there is no way I can do this but we made it happen. I let him fix my fish up with his special seasonings and I was able to bake my fish instead of frying it up. It worked out great. What really helped me was in the morning I was able to shake up a quick protein shake, and yes I did the TIU shake dance...LOL! One of our adventures was coming back from the Lake. We got caught in a rain storm. Which was amazing since we haven't seen any rain for at least a month or more. The whole crew was in the boat on the way home and we were getting soaked. All the girls headed in the camper when we got back to camp and the boys took cover under our neighbors lean to. It was fun it reminded me of girl scout camp sitting around listening to the rain with nothing better to do then just that. The best part is that it pour it was the best rain the lake area has had in 2 years! Needless to say it was one of the all time best days at the Lake this year. Thank goodness for good friends, good food and priceless memories!
Confessions of a FITchick is a blog about what it took and continues to take for me, a regular girl to have a healthy lifestyle. My journey to fitness started when I was at an all time low in my life. I was at a point I knew things had to change, but there was so much that was out of my control I didn’t know where to start so I started with what I could control my diet and health. This blog is dedicated to that journey and the revival of life I have found and continue to dare to adventure into.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Friday: I was a good little bird and was able to stay on the diet all day and had no major breakdowns. Alesha and the Traboki crew really kicked my booty in my afternoon with the Traboki workout we do every friday as an office to build team work and to keep us healthy. One of the many perks I get to have working for my amazing boss, and no I'm not sucking up... that one comes from the bottom of my heart. Laura (my awesome right hand gal) and I stuck it out and I have to say that workout was a killer. I stuck to my slim down regimen for the whole day friday. I had a lot of motivation to stick to it because I had a little TV appearance for our local station for the Boys Ranch Telethon.
Saturday: This weekend was full of adventures. We decided to go to the lake with a few of our closest friends. I was not really sure how I was going to make my TIU diet work over a weekend full of lake food, and frothy adult beverages. I was pretty determined to make it work out so I took a peek into my trusty TIU plan arsenal and found a couple of great recipes to help me out. Also, lucky for me in my camper I have an oven which really came in handy. My husband wanted to have his big fish fry, frying up all the northern pike and walleye that he caught this year in Canada. You could see the fear in my eyes when he told me fish fry. I thought there is no way I can do this but we made it happen. I let him fix my fish up with his special seasonings and I was able to bake my fish instead of frying it up. It worked out great. What really helped me was in the morning I was able to shake up a quick protein shake, and yes I did the TIU shake dance...LOL! One of our adventures was coming back from the Lake. We got caught in a rain storm. Which was amazing since we haven't seen any rain for at least a month or more. The whole crew was in the boat on the way home and we were getting soaked. All the girls headed in the camper when we got back to camp and the boys took cover under our neighbors lean to. It was fun it reminded me of girl scout camp sitting around listening to the rain with nothing better to do then just that. The best part is that it pour it was the best rain the lake area has had in 2 years! Needless to say it was one of the all time best days at the Lake this year. Thank goodness for good friends, good food and priceless memories!
Sunday: What a day...this was definitely the most exciting day of the weekend. It started out good. I had my morning shake then Mike and I got busy putting away camp. We got all that done then headed to Spur (I always thought this was the ultimate name for a little Texas town) to our hunting lease to get all of our property off the lease because we had decided to let it go this year. So we are driving along on our lease when we come to the usual water hole that we have to drive through to get to our hunting blind. It is just a little spot that for years and years we have had to travel through the mud to get where we needed to go. However, today was different thanks to all the rain we had the day and night and morning before. We were trucking along in four wheel drive through the mud hole like always. When suddenly we hit a super low spot. The passenger side of the truck sinks so deep it bumps me forward in my seat. The next thing I know Mike tanks it into reverse, the tires spin, then he shifts it to forward, the tires spin some more. He looks at me and says a few choice words then says, "welp thats it". He gets out and tries many heroic efforts to free us none of which work. An important side note: When is going to a place where they no they will be traveling through mud, it is wise to have a shovel. We did not. We finally have to call in the big guns after a couple of hours of failure. The Arp family came to our rescue and of course was able to pull us out in about 10 minutes. We were about to give it up for the day when Rusty suggested that we finish what we came down here for. We agreed and took off down a newly made Rusty road (this would be a road in which rusty crashes over trees and through fields to avoid any water hazards making his own road) We follow him and get to work. Little did I know I was going to be taking my self through the Redneck cross fit gauntlet. LOL. We took apart the entire deer stand unbolting and unscrewing every piece then we loaded all the wood into the pick up. We then proceeded to the ground blind loading it on a trailer. We all put in our lifting getting it put in the trailer that was quit a task. Then I moved cinder blocks into the blind to keep the front of the trailer steady for when we would drive down the highway. Needless to say with all the lifting, unscrewing, unbolting, cinderblock lifting and truck pushing. I created my own little Redneck Cross fit workout. I was so tired after we got done doing all that and rewarded myself with a little nap on the way home form Spur. If anyone is interested in my new Redneck Cross fit workout please do not contact me for live demonstrations. LOL.
Saturday: This weekend was full of adventures. We decided to go to the lake with a few of our closest friends. I was not really sure how I was going to make my TIU diet work over a weekend full of lake food, and frothy adult beverages. I was pretty determined to make it work out so I took a peek into my trusty TIU plan arsenal and found a couple of great recipes to help me out. Also, lucky for me in my camper I have an oven which really came in handy. My husband wanted to have his big fish fry, frying up all the northern pike and walleye that he caught this year in Canada. You could see the fear in my eyes when he told me fish fry. I thought there is no way I can do this but we made it happen. I let him fix my fish up with his special seasonings and I was able to bake my fish instead of frying it up. It worked out great. What really helped me was in the morning I was able to shake up a quick protein shake, and yes I did the TIU shake dance...LOL! One of our adventures was coming back from the Lake. We got caught in a rain storm. Which was amazing since we haven't seen any rain for at least a month or more. The whole crew was in the boat on the way home and we were getting soaked. All the girls headed in the camper when we got back to camp and the boys took cover under our neighbors lean to. It was fun it reminded me of girl scout camp sitting around listening to the rain with nothing better to do then just that. The best part is that it pour it was the best rain the lake area has had in 2 years! Needless to say it was one of the all time best days at the Lake this year. Thank goodness for good friends, good food and priceless memories!
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