Todays society is flooded with the idea of quick pro quo. So much so that people have spent billions of dollars believing there is some kind of magic pill, or special tool that will help you loose weight. The reality is That FITNESS is not always a piece of cake. There is not magical pill it ALL comes down to hard work and dedication to your diet and exercise regimen. In order for you to achieve everything that you want with your fitness goals you must work for them. I usual have trouble with this reality somewhere around 6am when I need to get out of bed and start moving but I push the snooze for another hour of sleep, or when some one brings a tray of warm cookies to the office. It's hard to get up in the morning and it's hard to simply say NO. We all know the benefits far out weight the momentary satisfaction we get from that cookie or that extra hour of sleep. I've even gone so far as to talk myself into reason's why the bad decisions would be good for me. The truth is we all do it simply because it is human nature. The big question is, how do we stop and do what is best for our health. I think the answers lies in taking one step everyday to become the healthy person you want to be until one day you wake up and you've made a journey. Today get up and choose just one step toward achieving your ultimate goals. This week my step was to go to cross fit, and eat healthier for dinner. This week, my goal was accomplished. Next week I'm going to keep that alarm on and get out of bed. I'm going to take my fitness goals on one step at a time. I want to go to cross fit and get my booty out of bed and do a 20 min run every morning. So it's on its time to start getting after it. What are you going to do for you today?
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